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Shaul Pollak - Curriculum Vitae

Employment #

Assistant ProfessorUniversity of Vienna
Division of Microbial Ecology (DOME)
Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science (CMESS)
Group LeaderUniversity of Vienna
Division of Microbial Ecology (DOME)
Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science (CMESS)
Postdoctoral Scholar
Advisor: Prof. Sallie (Penny) Chisholm
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Postdoctoral Scholar
Advisor: Prof. Otto X. Cordero
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Education #

Ph.D. Evolutionary Systems Biology
Advisor: Prof Avigdor Eldar
Thesis: “Evolutionary dynamics of social traits and
genome evolution in Bacillus Subtilis”
Tel-Aviv University
M.Sc. Genetics
Graduated summa cum laude
Advisor: Prof. Avigdor Eldar
Thesis: “Social Dynamics Drive the Evolutionary
Diversification of Bacterial Quorum Sensing Systems”
Tel-Aviv University
B.Sc Life Science
Graduated magna cum laude
Tel-Aviv University

Awards and Honors #

2018EMBO Long-Term Fellowship
2017Second place and honorary mention for poster presentation at the 12th Safra Bioinformatics retreat
2016Excellence in research award granted by the faculty of Life-Science at Tel-Aviv University to Ph.D students
2016BSF Prof. Rahamimoff Travel Grants Program for Young Scientists
2015Best lecture award at the 4th Graduate students’ conference in Genetics, Genomics, and Evolution
2010Dean’s list for excellence in undergraduate studies

Talks, Posters, and Workshops #

6.2022Talk at the Evolutionary Dynamics and Processes meeting, Plon, Germany
6.2021Virtual talk at Evolutionary and Ecological Systems Biology talks, MIT
9.2019Talk at the Simons Foundation Annual PriME meeting
7.2019Poster at the Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Microbial Population Biology
3.2019Talk at the third annual MIT-Harvard Microbiome Symposium
5.2017Poster at the 12th Safra Center for Bioinformatics Retreat, Israel
12.2015Poster at the first Pearl Seiden International meeting in Life Sciences: From synthetic biology to discovery and applications, Israel
9.2015Talk at the 4th Graduate students’ conference in Genetics, Genomics, and Evolution, Israel
2.2015Poster at the Israel Society for Microbiology annual meeting, Israel
7.2014QBio advanced summer research school at the KITP in UCSB, USA
2.2014Poster at ILANIT/FISEB 2014, Israel
6.2013Talk at the 2nd TAU Biophysical student meeting, Israel
3.2013Poster at the One2Many systems biology symposium, Israel
2.2013Poster at the First Annual Winter qBio Meeting, Hawaii, USA
7.2010Annual Kupcinet-Getz International Science School for outstanding undergraduate students at the Weizmann Institute, Israel