Google Scholar profile: Link
Preprints #
Anna Lopatina, Mariusz Ferenc, Nina Bartlau, Michael Wolfram, Kerrin Steensen, Sebastiano Muscia, Fatima Hussain, Madeleine Schnurer, Leila Afjehi-Sadat, Shaul Pollak, Martin F Polz
Interpretable machine learning reveals a diverse arsenal of anti-defenses in bacterial viruses
bioRxiv. 2024 Jun.
Xiaoqian Annie Yu, Cameron R Strachan, Craig W Herbold, Michaela Lang, Christoph Gasche, Athanasios Makristathis, Nicola Segata, Shaul Pollak, Adrian Tett, Martin F Polz
Genome-wide sweeps create fundamental ecological units in the human gut microbiome
bioRxiv. 2024 May.
Published #
2024 #
Jamie W Becker, Shaul Pollak, Jessie W Berta-Thompson, Kevin W Becker, Rogier Braakman, Keven D Dooley, Thomas Hackl, Allison Coe, Aldo Arellano, Kristen N LeGault, Paul M Berube, Steven J Biller, Andrés Cubillos-Ruiz, Benjamin AS Van Mooy, Sallie W Chisholm Novel isolates expand the physiological diversity of Prochlorococcus and illuminate its macroevolution Mbio. 2024 Nov.
Ksenia Guseva, Moritz Mohrlok, Lauren Alteio, Hannes Schmidt, Shaul Pollak, Christina Kaiser
Bacteria face trade-offs in the decomposition of complex biopolymers
PLOS Computational Biology. 2024 Aug.
Xiaoyu Shan, Philip A Wasson, YuanQiao Rao, Scott Backer, Lyndsay Leal, Vurtice C Albright III, Wei Gao, Yunzhou Chai, Andreas Sichert, Shaul Pollak, Ligeng Yin, Otto X Cordero
Simple genomic traits predict rates of polysaccharide biodegradation
Environmental Science & Technology. 2024 Jul.
2018-2023 #
Bareia T., Pollak S., Guler P., Puyesky S., Eldar A.
Major distinctions between the two oligopeptide permease systems of Bacillus subtilis with respect to signaling, development and evolutionary divergence.
Microbiology. 2023 Sep.
Gralka M, Pollak, S, Cordero OX.
Genome content predicts the carbon catabolic preferences of heterotrophic bacteria.
Nature Microbiology. 2023 Aug.
Pollak, S.
Plant DNA in feces as a nutritional crystal ball.
PNAS. 2023 Jul.
Szabo RE, Pontrelli S, Grilli J, Schwartzman JA, Pollak, S, Sauer U, Cordero OX.
Historical contingencies and phage induction diversify bacterioplankton communities at the microscale.
PNAS. 2022 Jul; 119(30):e2117748119
Pontrelli S, Szabo R, Pollak, S, Schwartzman J, Ledezma-Tejeida D, Cordero OX, Sauer U.
Metabolic cross-feeding structures the assembly of polysaccharide degrading communities.
Science Advances. 2022 Feb. 8(8):eabk3076
Pollak, S, Gralka M, Sato Y, Schwartzman J, Lu, L, Cordero, OX.
Public good exploitation in natural bacterioplankton communities.
Science Advances. 2021 Jul; 7(31):eabi4717
Liao J, Guo X, Weller DL, Pollak, S, Buckley DH, Wiedmann M, Cordero OX.
Nationwide genomic atlas of soil-dwelling Listeria reveals effects of selection and population ecology on pangenome evolution.
Nature Microbiology. 2021 Jul; 6:1021–1030
Ben-Zion I., Pollak, S., Eldar A.
Clonality and non-linearity drive facultative-cooperation allele diversity.
The ISME journal. 2019 Mar;13(3):824.
Bareia T., Pollak, S., Eldar A.
Self-sensing in Bacillus subtilis quorum-sensing systems.
Nature Microbiology. 2018 Jan; 3(1):83.
Before 2018 #
Even-Tov E, Omer Bendori S, Pollak, S, Eldar A.
Transient Duplication-Dependent Divergence and Horizontal Transfer Underlie the Evolutionary Dynamics of Bacterial Cell-Cell Signaling.
PLoS Biol. 2016 Dec 29;14(12):e2000330.
Even-Tov E, Omer Bendori S, Valastyan J, Ke X, Pollak, S, Bareia T, Ben-Zion I, Bassler BL, Eldar A.
Social Evolution Selects for Redundancy in Bacterial Quorum Sensing.
PLoS Biol. 2016 Feb 29;14(2):e1002386.
Pollak, S, Omer-Bendori S, Even-Tov E, Lipsman V, Bareia T, Ben-Zion I, Eldar A.
Facultative cheating supports the coexistence of diverse quorum-sensing alleles.
PNAS. 2016 Feb 23;113(8):2152-7.
Commentary by Pérez-Escudero A., Gore J.Selection favors incompatible signaling in bacteria.PNAS 2016 February 23;113(8):1968-1970
Pollak, S, Omer Bendori S, Eldar A.
A complex path for domestication of B. subtilis sociality.
Curr Genet. 2015 Nov;61(4):493-6.
Bendori SO, Pollak, S, Hizi D, Eldar A.
The RapP-PhrP quorum sensing system of Bacillus subtilis strain NCIB3610 affect biofilm formation through multiple targets, due to an atypical signal-insensitive allele of RapP.
J Bacteriol. 2014 Nov 24. pii: JB.02382-14.
Halimi Y, Dessau M, Pollak, S, Ast T, Erez T, Livnat-Levanon N, Karniol B, Hirsch JA, Chamovitz DA.
COP9 signalosome subunit 7 from Arabidopsis interacts with and regulates the small subunit of ribonucleotide reductase (RNR2).
Plant Mol Biol. 2011 Sep;77(1-2):77-89.